Robinson Analytics Real Estate Market Analysis

Robinson Analytics Real Estate Market Analysis

The United States real estate market has been one of the best performing equity asset classes year to date risk adjusted.  This sector (XLRE, green line in the chart below) of the economy has outperformed the Standard & Poor’s 500 (Economy overall), Nasdaq (Technology sector of the economy) and the Blue-Chip firms that we know as the Dow Jones Industrial […]

Robinson Analytics Nashville 2021 Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics Nashville 2021 Economic Forecast

I am releasing my economic forecast for Nashville for the new year. My primary look will be through the lens of the financial markets, but will also include a look at the labor markets. Robinson Analytics takes data science and applies it to the Stock Market to provide you with some of the highest-return investment ideas.  To learn more about Robinson […]

Robinson Analytics 2021 Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics 2021 Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics has done some financial markets analysis on the top 10 economies in the world.  See the chart below.  The markets are currently forecasting that China’s main street economy will do the best the first 5 to 8 months of 2021, with the United States main street economy performing second best, Japan’s main street economy performing third best, India’s […]

Big U.S. companies form group to boost hiring of minorities in New York

Big U.S. companies form group to boost hiring of minorities in New York

Kanishka Singh with Reuters 2 MIN READ (Reuters) – Leaders from major U.S. companies, including banks and tech giants, have formed a group aimed at increasing the hiring of individuals from minority communities in New York. Robinson Analytics takes data science and applies it to the Stock Market to provide you with some of the highest-return investment ideas.  To learn more […]

Coronavirus could push back-to-school spending to record level as uncertain families gear up for at-home learning

Coronavirus could push back-to-school spending to record level as uncertain families gear up for at-home learning

For immediate release July 15, 2020 NRF-PRESSJ. Craig Shearman “By any means, this is an unprecedented year with great uncertainty, including how students will get their education this fall.”NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay WASHINGTON – Consumers tentatively plan to spend a record amount to prepare students for school and college this year as they buy more laptops and […]

U.S. manufacturing snaps back; new COVID-19 cases threaten recovery

U.S. manufacturing snaps back; new COVID-19 cases threaten recovery

By Lucia Mutikani WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. factory output rose by the most in more than 74 years in June as motor vehicle production accelerated amid the reopening of businesses, but the nascent economic recovery was overshadowed by surging new COVID-19 infections.FILE PHOTO: Workers assemble cabinets at CNC Cabinetry in South Plainfield, New Jersey, U.S., June 16, 2020. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly/File […]

Could Nashville’s Economic Recovery Be Growing Faster?

Could Nashville’s Economic Recovery Be Growing Faster?

Robinson Analytics has performed some analysis on Google Mobile data for the state of Tennessee and key counties around the state.  Counties included in this analysis are detailed in the chart below.  From this analysis are insights that might be actionable upon to improve Nashville’s economic recovery. Robinson Analytics takes data science and applies it to the Stock Market to […]

Is a Covid-19 Second Wave Coming to the U.S.?

Is a Covid-19 Second Wave Coming to the U.S.?

Originally published June 17, 2020 Hearing a lot in the media lately about a potential second wave of the virus. There is always the possibility of that, but that is not what the fundamentals and the financial markets are communicating to us right now. I have put together a predictive package together that is a part of our quantitative analysis […]