Back to School Corona-virus Update

Back to School Corona-virus Update

With college students starting to arrive back at their dorms or not, and public and private schools starting after labor day, I thought I would share out where we stand with the Covid-19 pandemic. Robinson Analytics takes data science and applies it to the Stock Market to provide you with some of the highest-return investment ideas.  To learn more about Robinson […]

President Trump issues four executive actions aimed at restoring some of the CARES Act programs on Saturday

President Trump issues four executive actions aimed at restoring some of the CARES Act programs on Saturday

The tussle over extending expired CARES Act assistance continues, with President Trump issuing four executive actions aimed at restoring some of the programs on Saturday, prompting some lawmakers (from both parties) to argue the president was acting unconstitutionally by usurping Congress’s power of the purse. That debate continued into Monday, when the orders spurred both sides to return to the […]

Big U.S. companies form group to boost hiring of minorities in New York

Big U.S. companies form group to boost hiring of minorities in New York

Kanishka Singh with Reuters 2 MIN READ (Reuters) – Leaders from major U.S. companies, including banks and tech giants, have formed a group aimed at increasing the hiring of individuals from minority communities in New York. Robinson Analytics takes data science and applies it to the Stock Market to provide you with some of the highest-return investment ideas.  To learn more […]