Is a Covid-19 Second Wave Coming to the U.S.?

Is a Covid-19 Second Wave Coming to the U.S.?

Originally published June 17, 2020 Hearing a lot in the media lately about a potential second wave of the virus. There is always the possibility of that, but that is not what the fundamentals and the financial markets are communicating to us right now. I have put together a predictive package together that is a part of our quantitative analysis […]

What might the decade of the 2020’s look like?

What might the decade of the 2020’s look like?

I have expanded my analytics repertoire to include Cycle Forecasting. I have been studying cycles for several years now. Cycles are nothing more than recurring historical patterns that one can refer to as the dark matter of the universe. You know something is going on but you just don’t know what it is. You also call the events that happen […]

How to Lead Through a Crisis

How to Lead Through a Crisis

When faced with a crisis, most leaders are forced to think and behave in ways that feel unfamiliar. Whether it’s a technological, financial, natural, civil unrest or health crisis — at work or in the community — crises demand that leaders take an emergency response plan and adapt it as new evidence and factors present themselves. I have put together […]