
Are We Experiencing More Fraud in our National Elections?

In my election forecast for this year’s presidential race, my model gave Vice President Joe Biden the edge to win it. The race has not been called yet, however. But the President has made claims of fraud in the election and that the reporting by the main street media this past year suppressed Republican voter turnout. Do these claims have any merit?

November 14, 2020 Update:

I have applied a statistical technique to 6 battleground states vote totals by county.  The technique cannot confirm voter fraud, but it can indicate whether or not there is suspicion of it that needs to be investigated.  Three of the states that I looked at Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona have statistically significant suspicion of voter fraud.  These states are so close between Biden and Trump that, if there is indeed significant fraud, it could be outcome determinative.  It looks like we might be in for a protracted legal battle.

November 24, 2020 Update:

It has become apparent to me that the 2020 presidential race cycle is a turning point in presidential politics for our nation. The presidential race election process has been so degraded this cycle, that we, most likely, have become a single party executive branch nation at this time. It is most likely that Democrats will win every presidential race from now on…

November 29, 2020 Update:

Read this article…Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020

Read this article...Election Findings Could ‘Easily’ Overturn 3 States, Data Analyst Concludes

The Gallup organization did a study on whether or not mail-in ballots would increase fraud in April of 2020. The below chart is what they found out.

78% of American think that the fraud in our election would be the same in the past or worst. So it would seem that the President would have some reason to develop a perception that this could possibly go on.

However, I commissioned some polls on this subject this month, November 2020. Here is what I found out from the American public.

I asked them “Do you think fraud in our electoral system influenced the 2020 presidential election?” Here is what they said…

Over 60% of the American public thinks that fraud did influence our election this cycle in 2020. So that’s where the public perceptions lie in general about fraud in our national elections.

I also asked the American public “Do you think there were more fraudulent votes cast in the 2020 presidential election than in the 2016 election?”

As you can see from the chart, over 70% of American think that more fraudulent votes were cast in 2020 versus 2016.

The American public thinks that fraud has occurred in both in person voting and mail in voting. However, mail in voting is where they think the majority of the fraud has come from. See the chart below.

Another question I asked was, “Do you think the way the Main Street Media reported on the 2020 presidential race over the past year amounted to voter suppression for Republicans?” In the chart below, over 70% of the American public answered affirmatively to this question. See the chart below.

We will eventually have a winner of the presidential election. However, if the American public perceptions are true or bear out, it does not bode well for our Democracy going forward. I would infer from this that trust in our national election system would decline.

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