How to Lead Through a Crisis

How to Lead Through a Crisis

When faced with a crisis, most leaders are forced to think and behave in ways that feel unfamiliar. Whether it’s a technological, financial, natural, civil unrest or health crisis — at work or in the community — crises demand that leaders take an emergency response plan and adapt it as new evidence and factors present themselves. I have put together […]

Nashville Local Business survey analyzing the effect of COVID-19 on its entrepreneur’s

Nashville Local Business survey analyzing the effect of COVID-19 on its entrepreneur’s

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization of Nashville (EO Nashville), the largest EO chapter in the United States and third largest in the world, today released the results of a survey analyzing the effect of COVID-19 on its entrepreneur members. Participants included members of EO Nashville and Catalyst, an EO program designed to help boost business revenues over the $1 million annual revenue threshold required […]

Robinson Analytics Richmond Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics Richmond Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics decided to take a look into forecasting Richmond, VA economy coming out of this Covid-19 Pandemic recession. I wanted to get a feel for how the local economy might perform in relation to the overall United States economy. My approach was to do some financial markets analysis to get a feel what might be happening in the underlying economy […]

Robinson Analytics Austin Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics Austin Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics decided to take a look into forecasting Austin, TX economy coming out of this Covid-19 Pandemic recession. I wanted to get a feel for how the local economy might perform in relation to the overall United States economy. Investment analytics is the process of evaluating an investment for profitability and risk. It ultimately has the purpose of measuring how […]

Robinson Analytics Nashville Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics Nashville Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics decided to take a look into forecasting Nashville, TN economy coming out of this Covid-19 Pandemic recession. I wanted to get a feel for how the local economy might perform in relation to the overall United States economy. My approach was to do some financial markets analysis to get a feel what might be happening in the underlying economy […]

Robinson Analytics Revised Stock Market Forecast for 2020

Robinson Analytics Revised Stock Market Forecast for 2020

Robinson Analytics produced a forecast for the Stock Market earlier this year. At that time I was forecasting 4% growth Year Over Year. Since we have entered into a Covid-19 Pandemic recession in 2020 (See Robinson Analytics proprietary recession model chart below.), I have to provide a revised Stock Market forecast for the year. In order to tackle where I think […]