What’s going on with Interest Rates?

What’s going on with Interest Rates?

When I did some analysis on 6 months of the 10 year treasury bond yield, it looks challenging over the next 3 months. See the chart below. This analysis is telling me that we could see a decline in interest rates over the summer. Which communicates that bond investors are not all that confident in the economy in the near […]

Robinson Analytics Real Estate Market Analysis

Robinson Analytics Real Estate Market Analysis

The United States real estate market has been one of the best performing equity asset classes year to date risk adjusted.  This sector (XLRE, green line in the chart below) of the economy has outperformed the Standard & Poor’s 500 (Economy overall), Nasdaq (Technology sector of the economy) and the Blue-Chip firms that we know as the Dow Jones Industrial […]

Robinson Analytics 2021 Economic Forecast (March Edition)

Robinson Analytics 2021 Economic Forecast (March Edition)

A lot has changed since my December 6, 2020 forecast for 2021. My financial markets analysis is on the top 10 economies in the world. See the chart below. The markets are currently forecasting that Canada’s main street economy will do the best the next 6 (September 2021) to 9 months (December 2021), with Japan’s main street economy performing second […]

Robinson Analytics Nashville 2021 Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics Nashville 2021 Economic Forecast

I am releasing my economic forecast for Nashville for the new year. My primary look will be through the lens of the financial markets, but will also include a look at the labor markets. Robinson Analytics takes data science and applies it to the Stock Market to provide you with some of the highest-return investment ideas.  To learn more about Robinson […]

University of Washington Study Concludes Seattle $15/hr Wage Cost Jobs (Originally Published Aug 1, 2017)

University of Washington Study Concludes Seattle $15/hr Wage Cost Jobs (Originally Published Aug 1, 2017)

The University of Washington released a study has concluded that the $15/hour minimum wage hike in Seattle is costing minimum wage workers hours, jobs and pay.  You can read the abstract from the paper below… Take a look at a July 2019 headline from NPR… $15 Minimum Wage Would Boost 17 Million Workers, Cut 1.3 Million Jobs, CBO Says Raising the federal […]

Robinson Analytics 2021 Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics 2021 Economic Forecast

Robinson Analytics has done some financial markets analysis on the top 10 economies in the world.  See the chart below.  The markets are currently forecasting that China’s main street economy will do the best the first 5 to 8 months of 2021, with the United States main street economy performing second best, Japan’s main street economy performing third best, India’s […]

How are things looking for 2020 4th Quarter?

How are things looking for 2020 4th Quarter?

Thought I would weigh-in on what we might be looking at in terms of economic growth for the fourth quarter for 2020. It gives you insight as to how you should position your business as we close out the year. Robinson Analytics takes data science and applies it to the Stock Market to provide you with some of the highest-return […]