
Is a Covid-19 Second Wave Coming to the U.S.?

Originally published June 17, 2020

Hearing a lot in the media lately about a potential second wave of the virus. There is always the possibility of that, but that is not what the fundamentals and the financial markets are communicating to us right now.

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As you can tell from my analysis of the Covid-19 daily cases data (see chart below), daily cases peaked around the end of April and have been declining every since. Our 7-Day Moving Average has been trending down since the middle of May. The 7-Day Moving Average is also below the median of past 90 days of daily cases. All of this points to a stabilization of the viruses impact. So a second wave is definitely not here for now.

Personally, this is a tough graph for me to put together. It is just horrible looking at all of these deaths. But the bright side here is that Covid-19 related deaths are significantly down. See chart below. At the height we had over 2,500 deaths on a daily basis. Now, we are down to less than 500. This is good news on many fronts.

Next I took a look at the services sector of the economy, because it account for ~80% of GDP of our economy. That reading did improve in May. See the chart below. This reading of 45.5 points to a -1.1 % decline in GDP, but compares favorably to the 41.8 level in April which corresponds to – 2.3% decline in GDP. So, the services sector of our economy isn’t responding like there is a second outbreak happening.

When I look at another fundamental index, Consumer Sentiment, it did show some improvement after declining both in March and April. So, consumers are becoming slightly more positive about the economy.

Lastly, I want to take a look at one of the most important leading economic indicators to shed some light on this subject. The Standard & Poor’s 500 stock market index is forecasting further improvement in the economy 6 to 9 months out. Granted the market is trading in a range or is consolidating, but the consolidation is upward. So, as for now, the financial markets are not forecasting a second wave of Corona virus. You would say that the market is cautiously optimistic.

Source: Robinson Analytics, Standard & Poor’s 500 Index

In summary,

  • Covid-19 cases in the United States are currently stable;
  • Covid-19 deaths are way down and continuing to trend down;
  • The Services Sector of our economy is improving;
  • Consumer’s outlook is improving slightly;
  • The stock market is forecasting an improved economy over the next 6 to 9 months. The market is cautiously optimistic that we will not experience a second outbreak over this period at this time.

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