
Robinson Analytics 2021 NFL Super Bowl Forecast

The 2020-2021 NFL Super bowl is upon us. The culmination of this season will happen next week Sunday, February 7th between the Tampa Bay Biuccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs.

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I have developed my own forecast model for this contest as well as commissioned a poll to get the thoughts of the American public on who they think the winner of the Super Bowl will be. The results of the poll I commissioned are below.

As you can see from the poll results, the American public thinks that this game is going to be a close game. I think they are right, the Super Bowl will most likely be a battle that will prove entertaining.

My model is forecasting the the Kansas City Chiefs has a greater probability to win than Tampa Bay. It doesn’t mean that Tampa Bay can’t win. Just that Kansas City is favored to win. See my forecast below.

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