
How are things looking for 2020 4th Quarter?

Thought I would weigh-in on what we might be looking at in terms of economic growth for the fourth quarter for 2020. It gives you insight as to how you should position your business as we close out the year.

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As you can see from the chart below, my forecast for Q3 growth has been seriously upgraded from 15% in August to 32% this month. This third quarter has been a gang-buster growth period coming out of this recession.

Take a look at a recent article I published…

Who will be the next Supreme Court nominee?: Both President Trump and the leader of the United States Senate Mitch McConnell have said that they support replacing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg position on the Supreme Court as soon as possible.

When you take a look at my forecast for Q4, you can see that I am currently forecasting 8.4% growth. This will definitely be above normal growth rates, but will not be any where near the 32% growth rate they I am now forecasting for Q3.

Take a look at a recent headline…

Dollar higher after Fed upgrades economic outlook: In new economic projections, Fed policymakers at the median see economic growth dropping by 3.7% this year, an improvement from the 6.5% drop projected in June.

The chart below contains my analysis of consumer spending. I am currently forecasting a continued uptrend in consumer spending. In Q4 it is possible that we could get into positive Year Over Year growth. This is a really important indicator, as 70% of the economy is consumer spending. So this corroborates that our economy is in fact growing.

When I take a look at the manufacturing sector of our economy, it is continuing to accelerate. This only accounts for ~11% of our economy. But the August index came in at a 12 month high. A very good sign. The August reading points to annual GDP growth of +3.9%. See the table of the PMI index for the past 12 months below.


Aug 202056.0
Jul 202054.2
Jun 202052.6
May 202043.1
Apr 202041.5
Mar 202049.1
Feb 202050.1
Jan 202050.9
Dec 201947.8
Nov 201948.1
Oct 201948.5
Sep 201948.2

The services sector of our economy is also continuing to expand as well. The Services PMI came in at 56.9 August. This is an important sector of our economy, because it accounts for ~70% of our economy. This index reading as of August points to an economy that is growing at the rate of 2.8% on an annual basis. See the table below.


MonthServices PMI
Aug 202056.9
Jul 202058.1
Jun 202057.1
May 202045.4
Apr 202041.8
Mar 202052.5
Feb 202057.3
Jan 202055.5
Dec 201954.9
Nov 201953.9
Oct 201954.4
Sep 201953.5

In summary, the economy is growing more vigorously in the third quarter than anyone imagined. Additionally, the fourth quarter also has strong growth prospects. This is welcome news when considering Congress failed to pass any new stimulus for the economy. It looks like we have a good tailwind coming into the fourth quarter.

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