
Americans overwhelmingly support continuation of coronavirus stimulus and relief programs

New Reuters/Ipsos polling finds widespread public support for the coronavirus relief programs and desire to see them continued

23 July 2020 by Chris Jackson Vice President, US, Public Affairs, IPSOS

Washington, DC, July 23, 2020 –  As the coronavirus pandemic continues and Congress debates a potential new relief bill, the American public overwhelmingly supports the existing programs and there is bipartisan consensus on their continuation. This comes as the initial round of spending support nears its end and following proposals from the White House and Senate Republicans to alter or narrow the next round of relief.

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Large majorities of the American public support the major pillars of the existing coronavirus relief plan including small business support, stimulus checks, and additional unemployment insurance.

  • Three-quarters (77%) of Americans support “giving all Americans stimulus checks to counter the coronavirus economic damage”, including 71% of Republicans.
  • A similar amount – 76% – support “additional unemployment payments for people who lost jobs due to the pandemic”, including 68% of Republicans.

Looking forward, similar large majorities of Americans support continuing these relief programs.

  • Four in five (82%) Americans support continuing “additional loans for small business for coronavirus-related economic relief”, including 81% of Republicans.
  • Three-quarters (77%) support continuing eviction postponements and protection, including 72% of Republicans.
Bipartisan Stimulus Support

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